A big thank you to our PTSA and 6th grade tour guides for making the 5th Grade Orientation a success!
Tonight was the 5th Grade Orientation. Our new BMS students are ready for Wednesday!
New TeacherOrientation. Welcome to Beckwith!
5th Grade Orientation - August 31st 6:00 p.m.
Mrs. Abrams and Dr. Donovan had a great time working at the Rehoboth Senior Center this morning.
A big thank you to the PTSA for providing the cookout, ice cream truck, and the 8th Grade Dance. The 8th Grade students enjoyed everything! Thank you for all that you do!!!
That concludes the 2022-2023 School Year. Great year at BMS! We hope everyone has a great summer break!
8th Grade Dance
8th Grade Dance!!!
8th Grade Dance - Luau theme
8th Grade Parade
Eighth Grade Promotion Ceremony
Presidential Award Winners
Congratulations to Leah Levesque for winning the Rehoboth Lions Club Peace Poster Contest!
Grade 8 Field Trip - Canobie Lake Park
Grade 8 Field Trip - Canobie Lake Park
More outdoor activities for grade 5!
5th grade field activities are underway!
Aiden Ware was the recipient of the Linda Sousa Unity Award. Congratulations Aiden!
Beckwith Believers Potluck Dinner was great!